Mark Whitney, LPC, Approved Clinical Supervisor

My Philosophy

My passion as a counselor is to help clients live free of the compulsion to hide, silence, and sacrifice who they most truly are in order to gain approval from others. Too many of us live each day wearing “masks” to cover up our shame and pain.

My specialty is creating a space of safety and trust between myself and clients where they can take off the “masks” and explore their truest selves. This is important because it creates an environment that promotes acceptance and self-awareness.

The clients I love working with are highly motivated and ready to engage in the work that's necessary to live an authentic, connected, and meaningful life. I strive to create a safe space where my clients can discover patterns of incongruity that create tricky situations in their lives. We will create new patterns of self-awareness, self-acceptance, and "choice" in dealing with your life's circumstances. Together, we will work on your 'stuck' spots, move toward healthy living, and celebrate your growth.

My Background

On my own counseling journey, I was challenged to see myself for who I most truly am rather than believing the untruths about myself that were causing issues in my life. Without judgment, my counselors allowed me to bring “all of me” to the table and stop running from the things in my life that brought about so much shame and guilt.

I sifted through the “junk” in my life and faced many of my fears for the first time. This process brought about a clearer picture of who I am. I began living from these truths and discovered new gifts and passions, one of which is to help others experience what I have from my own therapy, which is why I am a counselor!

A little bit about me.

I am Colorado-born and raised, and I love living in this beautiful state. I received my master’s degree in Community Counseling. I currently live in Littleton with my beautiful family and our cat and dog.

I love to take advantage of Colorado’s scenery by hiking, snowboarding, road biking, and getting lost on long drives. I also enjoy reading non-fiction, taking in a good movie, and drinking craft brews with my friends.

Start your work with me today!

* Counseling services are only available for Colorado residents.